Actual anonymous performance reviews:
“Bryan swims in the digital culture more naturally + adeptly than anyone in our creative group. His approach is to smother the problem with rigor (like a great planner) and then take an informed, but mad leap (like a great creative).”
“Bryan is not a neat fit into the title of art director or copywriter and I like that about him. His approach to his work is so thorough that at times I have questioned whether he is a creative or a planner.”
“The work he did on Citibank was dead on [strategically, creatively + tactically].
“While both his pitch-winning CitiCube + the client-favored Concourse D were born in a raw state, the essential nuggets of each are exactly the kind of ideas this agency needs to be nurturing, selling + producing.”
“He’s a lovely person + I intend to work with him to bring his genuinely breakthrough ideas to life. Bryan’s not a natural fit in any agency, but his mode of thought is ideally suited to the new paradigm + I want this agency to be the kind of place where he can thrive.”
“From the first day I met you, your openness to learning about my interests and working collaboratively with me on projects was really heartening for me as I forged the waters of digital creation. Your acceptance of others, kindheartedness, soft nature and genuine warmth make you an easy person to connect with, and I’m really grateful I had the opportunity to work with you. Your spirit, diligence and drive will take you far, and I look forward to hearing about your successes in the future.”